Spring Party 2020 spring
The spring festival marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year according to the lunar calendar that is used by the Chinese people. The lunar calendar is based on the months are governed by the moon, so that each year, have 13 moons 28 days (Like menstruation of women).
This year is the 4718 of our era and had a Pig, which it is the last animal in the Chinese horoscope, the rat is the first animal of the horoscope.
During the Spring Festival Chinese people carried out numerous activities, to attract their lives happiness, wealth and good health.
Lasts for more than half a month, the beginning does not have a fixed day, each year ranges between 21 January 20 February depending on the lunar calendar. It begins with the first new moon of the year and end 15 days after the celebration of the Lantern Festival. This year, Moon matches 24 from January, Friday, so the first day of the new year will be on Saturday 25 from January.
At twelve o'clock begins the celebration of the new year, in the houses open doors and windows to leave everything old and bad of the previous year and between the new and the good of the coming year.
The Chinese people are very superstitious, thus, many of his customs are due to ancient legends or superstitions. When you are approaching the Year New, Chinese clean the house thinking that with dust drawers and grime from the floor will be removed from the house all evils past during which so just make room for all the good it brings you the year starts. Otra de las costumbres durante la celebración del año nuevo es regalar a los niños Hong bao 红包 en español “sobres rojos” los niños suelen decir “Hóng bāo ná lái!” 红包拿来 que significa “¡Dame mi sobre rojo!”. These envelopes have inside money, why love receive. Money wrapped in red envelope with golden letters by the belief so it will bring luck to whoever will regale.
The beginning of the new year is also full of traditions: The first day of the Chinese New Year on the rise, They must wear new clothes, if possible red. Los chicos se ponen el “Tang Zhuang” 唐装 y las chicas se suelen poner un “Qipao” 旗袍. The Family under congratulated the New Year to the highest sign of respect towards them.
It is said that on the first day of the year, persons belonging to the sign or animal of the year corresponding shine brighter and evil spirits and demons stick them to absorb its light. The catch this day and some more clothes red (socks, inner or outer clothing, etc.…) will protect us from them, so if you Rata, namely, You were born in 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 the 2008, dressed in red next weekend 🙂
Chinese astrology is based on a cycle 12 lunar years, each year represented by an animal that corresponds to a sign of the zodiac. For a year the animal that corresponds to each year is the star of the show, especially during the New Year. The twelve animals of the horoscope are: flat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Mono, Gallo, Dog, and pork
Gold is the color of gold, in Chinese culture they are thought to using the gold on your clothes and home decorations in the new year will attract wealth and money luck. In addition to the red as we mentioned before, It is the color It serves to scare away monsters and demons. Why these two are the predominant colors of this holiday and life in general China.
In another post I will tell you more about the interesting history of the Chinese horoscope, the 12 animals, and its 5 elements. Children born in 2020 Metal Rat will babies and, to the contrary in the West, East, rat does not have a negative connotation but the opposite, in fact, the master of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a rat and not by chance.