
Shiatsu is a manual physical therapy of Japanese origin, over 100 year history, that involves applying pressure with thumbs and palms in different parts of the body.

Shiatsu means' caps “Finger pressure” (Shi : dedo y Atsu : pressure)

Shiatsu is based on traditional wisdom: “Living in harmony with nature” . Remember receives of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Energy points used in acupuncture), the rich Japanese tradition in the theory and practice of massage, and Chiropractic.

Linked to Natural Medicine, Shiatsu strengthens the immune system , balances the autonomic nervous system, improves metabolism, increases physical and intellectual performance, elevates vitality, provides physical and emotional wellbeing, raises awareness of the body, responsible for their own health , improving human relations , relieves pain, relaxes and provides a sense of well being. Shiatsu pressures stimulate nerve endings in the skin that triggers the release of the physical and emotional stress. El Shiatsu, fiel a su origen, recommends that prevention is better than cure . A weekly session helps not sick, It is also advisable in chronic patients who prefer a natural alternative therapy or can not be treated with drugs. Shiatsu does not act as allopathic medicine , not directly combat the symptom, but goes to the origin of the disease and awakens the body's healing powers , why we say that Shiatsu is a holistic therapy . Each time a session is carried throughout the body works as a unit, many diseases have their origin in different areas of the body to the place where you actually manifest. Shiatsu treats the body parts depending on the set. The best method to get to the cause, is to treat the whole body first and then the affected areas with pathological symptoms.

Can be applied to the men Shiatsu, pregnant women and children of all ages. In adults, trying to maintain and improve overall, and encourage the body itself eradicate the cause that caused the disease. It is important that the patient is comfortable during the session. The pressure receiving, although sometimes painful, should not mean suffering. E l threshold of pain varies from person to person, so if the patient feels very strong pressure must advise the therapist. Shiatsu session is performed on a stretcher or in soil, on a tatami, where the patient is lying. The session length is approximately 50-60 minutes. Shiatsu therapy is received with comfortable clothes made with digestion, at least half an hour after eating some food. Sometimes, and due to nerve balance that occurs during the session, enters slight drowsiness; do not need to stay awake, but, on the contrary, you can sleep. Fifteen minutes of sleep during a Shiatsu therapy equivalent to one or two hours of normal sleep. Shiatsu has no side effects , because the pressure of the fingers are modulated pleasant sensations in the body. Shiatsu does not cure itself; only helps the patient to restore balance and, in a state of natural harmony, maintain or recover health. In the words of Tokujiro Namikoshi: “Shiatsu is like a mother's love; pressure on the body stimulates the Fountain”

Shiatsu helps the patient achieve the maximum capacity of your body to heal itself that every human being has.

The Ministry of Health of Japan defines Shiatsu as: “Treatment, applying pressure with the thumbs and palms on certain points on the body, corrects irregularities, maintains and improves health, helps to alleviate various diseases and activates the ability to heal itself. No side effects”

Therapeutic Effects:


Benefits of shiatsu:

Shiatsu Body Therapy offers a wide range of application in different types of ailments. But the first and most important application of Shiatsu is in the field of prevention . In Japan people receive Shiatsu when well, to increase its defenses and resistances in the body. Receive Shiatsu when one is well prevents stress, sedentary lifestyle or wrong postural habits can reach the level that can develop various diseases . Based on the understanding that Shiatsu is a technique that stimulates the body's self-healing power of the human being and increases vitality and balance thereof, this can help in a variety of both physical and emotional disorders.

Shiatsu uses the thumbs and palms as a cure modulated by applying pressure on the body. Shiatsu therapy continued:

  • Balances the nervous system
  • Vitalizes the skin
  • Balance breathing capacity
  • Increases vitality
  • Improves circulatory system
  • Relaxes the musculoskeletal system
  • Facilitates the functions of the digestive system
  • Optimizes control of the endocrine system
  • Harmonizes the psycho-emotional state, eliminating both physical and mental stress
  • Prevents and improves disorders:
    • Backbone (ciatica, osteoarthritis, tortícolis, ..)
    • Psychosomatic (anxiety, allergies, insomnia, depression ..)
    • Riguidez in joints, muscle contractures
    • Injuries
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Menstrual disorders
    • Pregnancies, etc.

Getting as many people achieve fully enjoy your life and be happy is the mission of Shiatsu.

Learn more:
History of Shiatsu